Nurture Well serves all areas of Speech Language Pathology, but specializes in the following:
Feeding Disorders and Therapy
Feeding disorders are various issues that involve a range of eating activities that may or may not include a problem with swallowing. A Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) is an "impaired oral intake that is not age-appropriate and is associated with medical, nutritional, feeding skill, and/or psychosocial dysfunction" (Goday et al., 2019). PFD's may be associated with an oral sensory function and could include characteristics such as: refusing age appropriate or developmentally appropriate food and or liquids, limited food intake, disruptive behaviors at meal time, failing to master a feeding skill expected for developmental age, failure to use appropriate feeding devices and is experiences less than optimal growth.
As a Feed the Peds trained therapist, it is important to me to take a whole team approach and I am always happy to collaborate with other professionals (e.g., school, doctor, other therapists, etc.). The primary goal of feeding therapy is to support safe and adequate nutritional intake and hydration. I will use optimum feeding methods and techniques to maximize swallowing safety and efficiency. The goal is always to attain age-appropriate eating skills in a naturalistic setting.
Tongue Ties and Myofunctional Disorders
Tethered oral ties (TOTs), are a physical abnormality, present from birth, of formation of the lip, cheek or tongue frenum, that restricts range of motion and contributes to functional deficits. TOTs can potentially impact: feeding, swallowing, speech, craniofacial growth, the upper airway resulting in breathing nasally during sleep. Review the signs and symptoms in the resources section to be aware of the red flags.
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD) is the atypical pattern that occurs when a normal pattern lacks in the orofacial complex (the mouth). When there are abnormal movements, they can cause a variety of disturbances in the mouth. Some examples would include noxious oral habits, open mouth posture, or a forward tongue thrust swallow. More signs and symptoms can be found in the Signs and Symptoms section. Addressing OMD's can result in improved nasal breathing, speech sound articulatory placement, eliminate not nutritive sucking, handling and swallowing of saliva, liquids and solids and overall oral rest posture. There are many other benefits to completing a myofunctional therapy program.
Speech/Language Disorders and Therapy
Speech is how way say sounds in words. People with speech disorders may not say sounds clearly, have a hoarse or raspy voice and might repeat sounds or pause when speaking (i.e. stuttering). Language is the words that we use to share ideas and get what we want. A person with a language disorder might have problems understanding, talking, reading and or writing.
We treat the lifespan for speech and language disorders here at Nurture Well. We offer a variety of assessment and treatment styles to meet your specific and functional needs for a Speech and Language Pathologist.
Parent Coaching
This service is for the parent or caregiver who wants to sit down 1:1 and discuss their child specifically. Maybe your child doesn't need traditional speech therapy or an evaluation but you are curious of how you can better support your child's communication in your home. Maybe you just want to be better prepared for fostering your child's language and communication development. This service is designed with you in mind. This service addresses typical milestones, typical development, anything that your child is doing that you might feel like is out of the "norm". At the end of our time together you will have your questions answered, a plan for your child and any other potential follow-up recommendations. It is my goal to empower you as the parent to foster development within your child's natural environment.
IEE Services
A parent who has a child being evaluated, or re-evaluated for Special Education always has the right to request an Independent Education Evaluation or IEE. If you do not agree with the evaluation that has been conducted by the school system you are within your rights to request an evaluation be completed by a professional who is not employed by the school system at the publics expense. However, the school system may file a due process complaint and request a hearing to show that the evaluation was appropriate. If the ruling is in favor of the evaluation, a parent can still have an IEE completed it would just be at their own expense. The results of the IEE must be considered by the school system in making the decision to provide your child with a free appropriate public education, or FAPE. The Individual's for Disabilities Education Act has provisions and guidance for IEE's.